Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CometD, Bayeux Server

CometD is the framework to implement the Bayeux protocol for the Comet messaging. Refer to the for the detail.

Its 2.4 performance can be found here 

CometD components

Message flow

  1. It invokes BayeuxServer extensions (methods rcv() or rcvMeta()); if one extension denies processing, a reply is sent to the client indicating that the message has been deleted, and no further processing is performed for the message.

  2. It invokes ServerSession extensions (methods rcv() or rcvMeta(), only if a ServerSession for that client exists); if one extension denies processing, a reply is sent to the client indicating that the message has been deleted, and no further processing is performed for the message.

  3. It invokes authorization checks for both the security policy and the authorizers; if the authorization is denied, a reply is sent to the client indicating the failure, and no further processing is performed for the message.

  4. If the message is a service or broadcast message, the message passes through BayeuxServer extensions (methods send() or sendMeta()).

  5. It invokes server channel listeners; the application adds server channel listeners on the server, and offers the last chance to modify the message before it is eventually sent to all subscribers (if it is a broadcast message). All subscribers see any modification a server channel listener makes to the message, just as if the publisher has sent the message already modified. After the server channel listeners processing, the message is frozen and no further modifications should be made to the message. Applications should not worry about this freezing step, because the API clarifies whether the message is modifiable or not: the API has as a parameter a modifiable message interface or an unmodifiable one to represent the message object. This step is the last processing step for an incoming non-broadcast message, and it therefore ends its journey on the server. A reply is sent to publishers to confirm that the message made it to the server (see below), but the message is not broadcast to other server sessions.

  6. If the message is a broadcast message, for each server session that subscribes to the channel, the message passes through ServerSession extensions (methods send() or sendMeta()), then the server session queue listeners are invoked and finally the message is added to the server session queue for delivery.

  7. If the message is a lazy message (see Section 7.4.7, “Lazy Channels and Messages”), it is sent on first occasion. Otherwise the message is delivered immediately. If the server session onto which the message is queued corresponds to a remote client session, it is assigned a thread to deliver the messages in its queue through the server transport. The server transport drains the server session message queue, converts the messages to JSON and sends them on the conduit as the payloads of transport-specific envelopes (for example, an HTTP response or a WebSocket message). Otherwise, the server session onto which the message is queued corresponds to a local session, and the messages in its queue are delivered directly to the local session.

  8. For both broadcast and non-broadcast messages, a reply message is created, passes through BayeuxServer extensions and ServerSession extensions (methods send() or sendMeta()). It then passes to the server transport, which converts it to JSON through a JSONContext.Server instance (see Section 7.5.1, “JSONContext API”), and sends it on the conduit as the payload of a transport-specific envelope (for example, an HTTP response or a WebSocket message).

  9. The envelope travels back to the client, where the client transport receives it. The client transport converts the messages from the JSON format back to message objects, for the Java client via a JSONContext.Client instance (see Section 7.5.1, “JSONContext API”).

  10. Each message then passes through the extensions (methods send() or sendMeta()), and channel listeners and subscribers are notified of the message.
The round trip from client to server back to client is now complete.

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