Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wonderful Performance Metrics Tool

When my crawler project is closed to the end. my concern on the performance is heavier. How to measure my system performance? there is no easy answer for it. So many module, so many parameters, most important is all these CAN'T affect the system performance and increase the module complexity.  

Even for the JSON parsing function, I spend almost 1 working day to come out the performance measurement and it is just for the unit testing ;( . The result is just like the following. 

stockprice (36648000 records) elapsed ms:376806.531 for 36000 avg:9.937 variance:5.652 Fastest:9.000 Slowest:244.000
[67, 9 x 16910, 10 x 13029, 11 x 4306, 12 x 868, 73, 13 x 248, 14 x 123, 15 x 49, 17 x 15, 16 x 33, 19 x 9, 18 x 8, 21 x 26, 20 x 11, 23 x 51, 22 x 47, 25 x 43, 24 x 41, 27 x 39, 26 x 38, 29 x 24, 28 x 28, 31 x 3, 30 x 18, 34, 35 x 2, 32 x 2, 33 x 6, 38, 39 x 2, 36 x 6, 37 x 3, 42 x 2, 43, 41, 50, 48, 54, 244]

But how about other functions.... I was almost frightened by the future workload. It seems my system launch day need be postpone. Until today, I find this wonderful library, Metrics, through the netty example. It is fantastic and save me huge time on the performance measurement and reporting. 

With just few lines, the following result will be automatically printed into the System console. If you need, it can easily output the result into CSV, log file, JMX, even provide the servlet to remotely pass the result as JSON. Wonderful!!! 

With all these tools, I almost got the insurance on my system quality.

 final ConsoleReporter reporter = ConsoleReporter.forRegistry(Metrics.defaultRegistry())
reporter.start(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

Timer timer = Metrics.newTimer(this.getClass(),"StockPrice Batch Parse","timer",new SlidingWindowReservoir(nMax));


-- Timers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test.JSONParserTest.StockPrice Batch Parse.timer
             count = 34356
         mean rate = 95.49 calls/second
     1-minute rate = 95.70 calls/second
     5-minute rate = 88.47 calls/second
    15-minute rate = 80.06 calls/second
               min = 9.32 milliseconds
               max = 244.26 milliseconds
              mean = 10.46 milliseconds
            stddev = 2.38 milliseconds
            median = 10.07 milliseconds
              75% <= 10.64 milliseconds
              95% <= 11.99 milliseconds
              98% <= 13.57 milliseconds
              99% <= 22.14 milliseconds
            99.9% <= 31.03 milliseconds 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


When need a better messaging protocol for my project DTCrawler. I find these 2 new implementation. After study them, especially the book Networks for Grid Applications I choose UDT

1. built upon the UDP (which is my preference) 
2. Provide the flow/congestion management, which it is necessary for the application  

The difference is like this. 

"UDT borrows the messaging and partial reliability semantics from SCTP. However, SCTP are specially designed for VoIP and telephony, but UDT targets general purpose data transfer. UDT unifies both messaging and streaming semantics in one protocol."

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Java Performance Tuning Study Memo

Wonderful blogs from!!! List of articles

Java type memory usage

byte, boolean1 byte
short, char2 bytes
int, float4 bytes
long, double8 bytes
Byte, Boolean16 bytes
Short, Character16 bytes
Integer, Float16 bytes
Long, Double24 bytes
EnumSetBitSet1 bit per value
EnumMap4 bytes (for value, nothing for key)
ArrayList4 bytes (but may be more if ArrayList capacity is seriously more than its size)
LinkedList24 bytes (fixed)
ArrayDeque4 to 8 bytes, 6 bytes on average
JDK collectionSizePossible Trove substitutionSize
HashMap32 * SIZE + 4 * CAPACITY bytesTHashMap8 * CAPACITY bytes
HashSet32 * SIZE + 4 * CAPACITY bytesTHashSet4 * CAPACITY bytes
LinkedHashMap40 * SIZE + 4 * CAPACITY bytesNone
LinkedHashSet32 * SIZE + 4 * CAPACITY bytesTLinkedHashSet8 * CAPACITY bytes
TreeMap, TreeSet40 * SIZE bytesNone
PriorityQueue4 * CAPACITY bytesNone
All Java objects start with 8 bytes containing service information like object class and its identity hash code (returned by System.identityHashCode method). Arrays have 4 more bytes (one int field) containing array length. It looks like all user-written (not JDK classes) have another reference to object Class. These fields are followed by all declared fields. All objects are aligned by 8 bytes boundary. All primitive fields must be aligned by their size (for example, chars should be aligned by 2 bytes boundary).Object reference (including any arrays) occupy 4 bytes. What does it mean for us? In order to get most use of available memory, all object fields must occupy N*8+4 bytes (4, 12, 20, 28 and so on). In this case 100% memory will contain useful data.

Java Boxing Type Caching

Byte, Short, LongCharacterIntegerFloat, Double
From -128 to 127From 0 to 127From -128 to java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high or 127, whichever is biggerNo caching

Java Performance Tips

Never use exceptions as return code replacement or for any likely to happen events (especially in not IO-bound methods!). Throwing an exception is too expensive - you may experience 100 times slowdown for simple methods.

Throwing an exception in Java is a very slow operation. Expect that throwing an exception costs you something between 100 and 1000 ticks in most cases.

Case Study

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1. Enable Log

SET GLOBAL log_output = 'TABLE';
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';