Monday, December 30, 2013

Product, Result of Idea Collision

When I am asked about the project complete time, I also feel a little bit curious why the stock alert project, simple project, can be so long. So I count the past recorded task time in my google Doc. The "study" + "design" is 70%+, the coding is only about 27%. While my initial estimate on the project development is 3 months, 90 days. Now the actual coding quite match it.  The delay is mainly from "Study".

AdminCodingDeploymentDesignStudyTestingGrand Total

Study! Yes, study, I study so many things in order to address the technical issues. The whole development process to me is more like a study process. I still can remember how I dozed away when watching Google cloud tutorial video. :) 

The following is the things for study. I know, the diagram is quite complex, which also surprise me. Initially I just want to come out a simple list. But its complexity pass the message, this is not a easy journey.

As my idol words, product is a collision of ideas. It starts from a unpolished idea, just like a open a window, then, you enter another new world, which is full of windows. This believing also imply how important to give the staff room for "mistakes". Because diamond is just a rock without polishing.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wonderful article on JS Delete
Here’s a short summary of how deletion works in Javascript:
  • Variables and function declarations are properties of either Activation or Global objects.
  • Properties have attributes, one of which — DontDelete — is responsible for whether a property can be deleted.
  • Variable and function declarations in Global and Function code always create properties with DontDelete.
  • Function arguments are also properties of Activation object and are created with DontDelete.
  • Variable and function declarations in Eval code always create properties without DontDelete.
  • New properties are always created with empty attributes (and so without DontDelete).
  • Host objects are allowed to react to deletion however they want.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Analysis vs. Design: What’s the Difference?


  • Unambiguous 
    • Interpretable in only one way 
  • Testable 
    • Compliance (or, non-compliance) can be clearly demonstrated
  • Binding 
    • The customer is willing to pay for it and is unwilling to not have it 
Every requirement that is still necessary in spite of “perfect technology” is an essential requirement.

Requirements about speed, cost, and capacity go into the design bucket

Requirements about reliability (MTBF, MTTR) go into the design bucket

Requirements about I/O mechanisms and presentations go into the design bucket

Requirements about computer languages go into the design bucket
Requirements about archiving go into the design bucket

Requirements about the customer's business policy / business process go into the essential bucket

UML for Analysis

UML for Design


Reduce apparent complexity: one large problem becomes two smaller ones 
  • Understand the customer’s business policy / business process 
  • Figure out how to automate that business policy / process with the available technology 
Isolate areas of expertise
Apply the principles of coupling and cohesion at the highest level of the software architecture 
  • More robust, less fragile systems 
  • Enable separate evolution of the business policy / business process and the implementation technology

Responsive Web Design - Study Memo



Recommended Media Screen Width

  • 320px
  • 480px
  • 600px
  • 768px
  • 900px
  • 1200px
Use EM, relative unit, instead of PIXCEL for the font size. 

Use fluid grid for responsive website

