Friday, January 3, 2014

Angular Testing 
What to test Tools to use and why
Testing to see if each page loads properly
Use Protractor (Selenium)
A Web Driver or an E2E test can run a full integration test through a given URL on your website and can provide data on whether any JavaScript errors occurred
Does my backend API work as expected?
Server-Side testing
Lookup which server-side test framework fits your needs. Don't solely rely integration tests to see if things are working.
If I change my front-end JavaScript API code then how do I know things are working?
Unit Testing (Jasmine or Mocha)
Ideally you want to have a solid test spec for each feature (logical branch of execution) within each block of code (functions, objects, services, methods, etc...) to keep track of what goes on in that method.
How do I know things work for browser X
Integration or Unit Testing
Typically you would setup a collection of integration tests to cover various pages/views on your application. Then when a bug appears, try to isolate the broken code into it's own service/subroutine and setup a unit test or two to cover what's going on. This way if your page/view code changes then you'll still have a reference to the unit test (since unit tests are cheap) and you won't have to worry about looking out for that bug again (since the contained service/subroutine is where it will be located). This may be challenging with DOM code, but anything is possible.
I didn't read the CHANGELOG and I want to know if things will break if I up the version on my 3rd-party code
Integration or Unit Testing
Integration tests need to cover most if not all of the views on your page and, if you upgrade to a new version of framework X, then it should be easy to find out which features are not working. However, if the changes in the 3rd-party code are more internal and purely JavaScript then an integration test may not detect any broken code. If you have good amount of unit test code coverage then you should be fine, but if you have close to nothing then setup a simple test spec which tests out the simple input and outputs of the 3rd party code (method names and return values should be enough).

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