Monday, January 6, 2014

What is innovation? What are the talents?
In the dominant theory of innovation, brilliant individuals reflect on large problem sets and then carefully and precisely create a solution. Sometimes they will have "eureka" moments where they "get" brilliantly simple answers to whole large problem sets. The inventor, and the process of invention are rare, precious, and can command a monopoly. History is full of such heroic individuals. We owe them our modern world.

Looking more closely, however, and you will see that the facts don't match. History doesn't show lone inventors. It shows lucky people who steal or claim ownership of ideas that are being worked on by many. It shows brilliant people striking lucky once, and then spending decades on fruitless and pointless quests. The best known large-scale inventors like Thomas Edison were in fact just very good at systematic broad research done by large teams. It's like claiming that Steve Jobs invented every device made by Apple. It is a nice myth, good for marketing, but utterly useless as practical science.

Recent history, much better documented and less easy to manipulate, shows this well. The Internet is surely one of the most innovative and fast-moving areas of technology, and one of the best documented. It has no inventor. Instead, it has a massive economy of people who have carefully and progressively solved a long series of immediate problems, documented their answers, and made those available to all. The innovative nature of the Internet comes not from a small, select band of Einsteins. It comes from RFCs anyone can use and improve, made by hundreds and thousands of smart, but not uniquely smart, individuals. It comes from open source software anyone can use and improve. It comes from sharing, scale of community, and the continuous accretion of good solutions and disposal of bad ones.

Here thus is an alternative theory of innovation:
  1. There is an infinite problem/solution terrain.
  2. This terrain changes over time according to external conditions.
  3. We can only accurately perceive problems to which we are close.
  4. We can rank the cost/benefit economics of problems using a market for solutions.
  5. There is an optimal solution to any solvable problem.
  6. We can approach this optimal solution heuristically, and mechanically.
  7. Our intelligence can make this process faster, but does not replace it.
There are a few corollaries to this:
  • Individual creativity matters less than process. Smarter people may work faster, but they may also work in the wrong direction. It's the collective vision of reality that keeps us honest and relevant.
  • We don't need road maps if we have a good process. Functionality will emerge and evolve over time as solutions compete for market share.
  • We don't invent solutions so much as discover them. All sympathies to the creative soul. It's just an information processing machine that likes to polish its own ego and collect karma.
  • Intelligence is a social effect, though it feels personal. A person cut off from others eventually stops thinking. We can neither collect problems nor measure solutions without other people.
  • The size and diversity of the community is a key factor. Larger, more diverse communities collect more relevant problems, and solve them more accurately, and do this faster, than a small expert group.
So, when we trust the solitary experts, they make classic mistakes. They focus on ideas, not problems. They focus on the wrong problems. They make misjudgments about the value of solving problems. They don't use their own work.

Can we turn the above theory into a reusable process? In late 2011, I started documenting C4 and similar contracts, and using them both in ØMQ and in closed source projects. The underlying process is something I call "Simplicity Oriented Design", or SOD. This is a reproducible way of developing simple and elegant products. It organizes people into flexible supply chains that are able to navigate a problem landscape rapidly and cheaply. They do this by building, testing, and keeping or discarding minimal plausible solutions, called "patches". Living products consist of long series of patches, applied one atop the other.

SOD is relevant first because it's how we evolve ØMQ. It's also the basis for the design process we will use in Chapter 7 - Advanced Architecture using 0MQ to develop larger-scale ØMQ applications. Of course, you can use any software architecture methodology with ØMQ.

To best understand how we ended up with SOD, let's look at the alternatives.

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